Yuliana Basmajyan is an Argentine tango instructor, performer, organizer as well as the creator of Yuli B: a brand dedicated to promoting tango in the greater Los Angeles area.
Yuliana Basmajyan and her former partner are the only couple to win two Tango Salon US Championships (2010 & 2011) and to make the finals at the Mundial World Championship in Buenos Aires 4 years in a row! They are also the only US couple to ever place at the Salon World Championship by taking home the bronze medal in 2011.
From 2009 to 2018, Yuliana hosted one of the most prestigious milongas in Los Angeles, Milonga Querida. She currently devotes her talents to teaching in LA at her new dance studio and show room in Burbank as well as teaching/judging/performing abroad.
She is also the exclusive distributor of Regina Tango shoes in the US.
Yuliana created the Southern California Tango Championship in hopes of uniting the tango community of Los Angeles and providing a platform for dancers to grow and refine their tango.
I pride myself in touching the multiple facets of this unique and beautiful dance by excelling as a tango dancer/teacher/performer, organizer and ambassador that spreads the love of tango. Through years of experience, study and research, I have gained invaluable knowledge of what tango dancers require to grow in their personal dance journey. From this understanding, I have built the foundation of my teaching methodology, art of performing, creating unique tango events, and bringing quality products to the community.
Please visit www.yuli-b.com for more info.