Local Tango Competition Instructors
There is a large collective of instructional talent here in Los Angeles and other cities. The list is not intended to represent all the amazing talent that exists locally, it purely represents competitive teaching. In addition, many of the listed instructors have competed in and/or judged competitions.
If you are intending on doing workshops specifically for competitive dancers, we will be happy to include your information. We encourage aspiring competitors to seek out different teachers to maximize their learning process. Thank you all for your understanding and support.
*NOTE: SCTC is not affiliated with any of the instructors below.
Jerry Perez & Christine Urgell
- Tango salon, social style, stage
- Weekly private coaching and group classes available
- www.tangovibe.com
- For private lesson rates and locations, email [email protected]
- Phone: 323-975-2378
Ilona Glinarsky
- 20+ years teaching experience
- Private & group sessions (beg/int levels)
- http://www.LivingTango.com
- SoCal Tango Championship 2019 finalist
- Organizer of Milonga LAX & LA Summer Tango Marathon
- [email protected]
- (310) 621-0622
Carlos Barrionuevo & Mayte Valdes
- World class tango performers and coaches
- Specialty in Tango Salon and Stage
- Training for tango performance teams.
- Private lessons @ 206-370-9517
- www.tangoearth.com
Guillermo De Fazio & Giovanna Dan
- Specialists in stage, salon, milonga, and vals
- Training for performance teams.
- Special privates for couples.
- www.gdtango.com
Brian Nguyen & Yuliana Basmajyan
- 2010 & 2011 USA Tango Salon Champions
- 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 – World Tango Salon finalists
- 2011 – 3rd Place Winner in the World Tango Salon Championship in BA
- Tango salon, milonga, vals
- Group Tango Classes on Tuesdays in Burbank
- Privates available
- Email: [email protected], Tel: 818-404-9718 Yuli
- Email: [email protected], Tel: 213-268-2418 Brian
Daniel Arias
- Argentine tango instructor & tango mundial finalist
- Special workshops for couples competing in the So Cal Championship on Tango, Milonga, Vals, focusing on embrace, connection, musicality, walk, cleanliness and crispness in the movements.
- Private training also available
- [email protected]
- www.danielariastango.com/group-tango-classes/
Liz Hutchinson
- Tango, Vals, Milonga, Technique
- Group and Private Lessons
- lizhutchinsontango.com
- [email protected]
Angel Echeverria & Julie Friedgen (owners of Tango Room)
- Coaches for Salon Tango, Milonga, Senior Tango
- Angel has danced tango for 60 years, grew up in Buenos Aires, twice judged for SoCal Tango Competition
- Julie has danced tango for 20 years
- Finalists in USA Tango competition competing against couples 30+ years younger
- tangolosangeles.com
Brandon Kwae
- Tango Salon, Social Style | Beginner-intermediate
- Tuesdays & Saturdays group classes
- Private lessons are available by appointment
- 626-475-3699
- www.sonataroom.com
Sandor & Parissa
- World Renowned Argentine Tango Performers, Choreographers, & Instructors based in Los Angeles, CA
- Teaching all levels from beginners to professionals.
- Training for tango performance teams.
- www.sandorparissa.com
Jordi Caballero
- Specialize in “Tango escenario” or “stage tango”.
- www.latinchoreography.com
Dennis Cante & Tanya Spector
- Tango Salon, Vals, Milonga and Stage (Beg/Int.)
- Weekly group classes & private lessons
- Competition coaching
- Expertise in musicality, elegant technique, walking and embrace
- www.denniscante.com
Makela Brizuela
- (310) 740-2007 [email protected]
- www.makelatango.com
- All salon tango
- Former judge at official USA tango championship & festival
- Followers embellishments
- Technique Expert
- Private lessons for individuals or couples
Leonardo Barrionuevo & Miriam Larici
- All tango training.
- Salon tango & Stage tango
- Training for tango performance teams.
- Group classes and private lessons available
- TV Celebrities, seen on: “Dancing with the Stars”, “So You Think You Can Dance”, “America’s Got Talent”, commercials, etc.
- Contact Miriam & Leo at 206-255-3634 or email them at [email protected]
- www.celebrationdancestudio.com
Lauren Woods (LA/Orange County)
- 2015-ATUSA 3rd place champion in Tango de Pista
- Specialized in Fundamentals for Tango de Pista/Milonga/Vals/Neo Tango
- OC group classes – Wednesday and Sundays
- (4 classes – 2 beginners/all level/intermediate)
- LA group class – Fridays
- www.LWArtiste.com/classes
- [email protected]
Colette Herbert
- www.tangowithcolette.com
- 2003 USA Champion and 2005 Mundial finalist
- Tango, Milonga, Vals — all levels
- Group and private classes
- Stage and choreography
- Preparation for Championships
Lisette Perelle (teacher, performer, choreographer)
- Tango, Vals, Milonga, Stage
- Former finalist in USA Tango Championship.
- Have trained previous USA Tango Champions, as well as same sex Tango Champions
Nora and Ed
- Tango, Vals, Milonga
- Weekly group classes and private lessons
- Competition training
- Have coached previous USA Tango Champions
- [email protected]
- www.facebook.com/norayed.tango/
- www.tangoweek.com/classes
Felipe Martinez & Ayano Yoneda
- Tango, Vals, Milonga
- Weekly group classes and private lessons
- [email protected]
- www.felipetango.com
Julian Ramil and Claudia
- Tango, Vals, Milonga
- Progressive series of group classes and private lessons
- Competition training
- www.tangosabor.com
- [email protected]
- 415-608-4645
Glenn Corteza
- Tango, Vals, Milonga
- Weekly group classes and private lessons
- Competition training
- www.sfotango.com
- [email protected]
Nicholas Tapia & Stephanie Berg
- 2014 USA Tango Salon Champions
- Trained SoCal and USA Senior Champions, and several USA semi finalists
- Competition psychology and preparation
- Tango, Vals, Milonga
- www.nicoandstephie.com