SCTC 2023 is SOLD OUT! No walk-ins are allowed except for competition spectators! Dismiss
Southern California Tango Championship + Festival
$25.00 – $225.00
Select your workshops below
FRI (WS1) 11:00am – V&F int – MUSICALITY: Rhythmic and musical interpretation for improvisation
FRI (WS2) 11:00am –S&R int/adv – WALKING: Secrets and technique to achieve different qualities of steps (long, suspended, short, dynamic) and its application to different orchestras
FRI (WS3) 12:30pm – V&F all level – DYNAMIC VALS: Rhythm, cadence and musicality.
FRI (WS4) 12:30pm – C&J all level – Sequences for reduced space, circular elements to apply in the milonga.
FRI (WS5) 2:00pm – S&R int/adv – BOLEOS: How to lead boleos. Technique for low and high boleos.
FRI (WS6) 2:00pm – C&J all level – MILONGA: sequencies for milonga lisa and tras pie!
SAT (WS1) 11:00am – S&R all level – LOS VELIZ TANGO SEMINAR 1: Functionality of the axis and proper utilization of energy. Total body awareness as applied to tango movement.
SAT (WS2) 11:00am – C&J all level – MUSICALITY: Understand and strengthen textures in different musical styles!
SAT (WS3) 12:30pm – S&R all level – LOS VELIZ TANGO SEMINAR 2: Functionality of the axis and proper utilization of energy. Total body awareness as applied to tango movement. (MUST TAKE PART 1)
SAT (WS4) 12:30pm – V&F int – MILONGA: Facundo & Vanessa’s magic!
SAT (WS5) 2:00pm – C&J all level – AXIS TRAINING: Practical exercises to work hard our axis, how to strengthen and exercise it in the couple.
SAT (WS6) 2:00pm – F&V int – Circular or Linear? When and why?
SUN (WS1) 11:00am – C&J adv – VARIATIONS: Reaction and speed exercises to bring different dynamics to our improvisation.
SUN (WS2) 11:00am – F&V all level – Men’s Technique (how to use axis and pivot in complex movements), Women’s Technique (activating internal movement and utilizing disassociation)
SUN (WS3) 12:30pm – S&R adv – LOS VELIZ GIRO SEMINAR 1: individual and couple’s technique to maintain energy and clarity in embellishments
SUN (WS4) 12:30pm – C&J all level –VALS: techniques and tools to build our fluidity and apply them in circular and linear movements.
SUN (WS5) 2:00pm – S&R adv – LOS VELIZ GIRO SEMINAR 2: individual and couple’s technique to maintain energy and clarity in embellishments (MUST TAKE PART 1)
SUN (WS6) 2:00pm – V&F adv – Movements and elements for performance
This special discount ($25/workshop) is for COMPETITORS ONLY! (Full workshop details here.)
Dates, discounts, details, important stuff only. [We promise]
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