LA Tangeros,
SCTC 2019 proud to present their master couple – please meet the 2017 Tango Salon World Champions,
Magdalena Gutierrez y German Vallejo
You can read their vast list of accolades, the countless legends they trained with, and the endless shows that they have performed in. Yet, you might still wonder who they are and why they are special… ok, in addition to being world champions, they are truly an exceptional couple, not only are they incredibly accomplished, but also have a gift for teaching and imparting their vast knowledge of tango.
I recall watching them in the mundial. Someone asked me who I thought would win. When you get to that final round, it all starts to look the same, so much talent and beauty moving simultaneously with vigor and determination. Yet, one couple stood out…Rather than hesitate and milk the beginning of the song, this couple sprung into dance, it was like the winning stallion leaving the rest in the dust. Her red dress sparkled and their playful musicality mesmerized me. “Those two, those are the winners.” I wish I had made a million dollar bet because for the first time I called it!
I had the pleasure of taking several of their workshops and can share that they have the gift for teaching all levels, from the very beginner to the advanced. They are as passionate and meticulous when talking about the energy of the embrace, to when they start laying down playful figures that stomp most of the class.
Magdalen & German
We believe it is important that although it is a popular dance, it be accessible to everyone . This prioritizes natural movement rather than technique. Change is inevitable and it is a great challenge to follow the evolution of this infinite dance. Our objective is to connect the traditional with the new, to understand that it is not about separating but uniting , to creat and move forward, to recognizing and reclaiming our roots, the beginnings of this dance, our Tango.
11:45PM – 12:15PM – Performances by:Magdalena Gutierrez & Germán Ballejo
WS2 12:00 – 1:30PM G&M All LevelWalking structures in parallel system and cross system; to improve the circulation in the dance floor, like old Milongueros used to do.WS4 1:45 – 3:15PM G&M All LevelMilonga: dancing to D’Arienzo.
WS4 1:45 – 3:15PM G&M All LevelUnexpected “Barridas”. Surprising our partner in the dance floor.WS5 3:30 – 5:00PM G&M All LevelVals: Circular & linear figures, fluidity and changes of dynamic.
WS2 12:00 – 1:30PM G&M All LevelRhythmical patterns: Strong and soft beats, phrases, síncopa. New musical possibilities!WS5 3:30 – 5:00PM G&M All LevelYeites of the “Ochos”. New ways to lead and follow the “ochos”.
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