SCTC 2017 announces their 3rd master guest – Danilo Maddelena!
(his first time in Los Angeles)
About Danilo
Danilo has been dancing his entire life since the age of 7, winning many national and international titles. He ultimately came into tango studying with the world’s most reknowned tango masters such as Sebastian Arce (his #1 influence), Carlitos Perez, through Vanesa Villalba, Facundo Pinero; even partnering with Alejandra Mantinan in shows since 2015. Danilo possesses great knowledge about biomechanics and body movement.
He is also currently the organizer of major festivals, Italian Championship and European Championship (both officially recognized by Buenos Aires Tango mundial organization), and Metropolitano Tango in Italy.
Video Review
1. STAGEY Salon
Here you can see Danilo dancing with the legendary Alejandra Mantinan at one of the most popular milongas in Buenos Aires. Look for the smooth lines and flow. Very calm and with a ton of presence.
2. MILONGUERO flavor
Here goes an unexpected change of pace. Watch him soften up and get cute on us with small steps while playing with the music.
3. STAGE power
And back to stage. Clean lines, sharp power, classic figures. All the hallmarks of classic tango are here. And again, the statuesqe we’ve come to recognize from Danilo.
Danilo Maddelena’s workshops one week before SCTC 2017
Do not miss out on this great opportunity to learn from Danilo. The workshops are one week BEFORE the festival so you don’t have to go around town and skipping out on sleep. It is helpful not only for competitors but also non-competitors. Danilo is an amazing teacher.
CLICK HERE – for the Facebook event page and full details.
Saturday (FEB 11) – SALON:
- Mastering musicality of different orchestras.
- Different dynamics within parallel and cross systems.
- Smooth figures and transitions for better flow.
Sunday (FEB 12) – STAGE:
- Interpreting the breath in the dance.
- Dynamic movements to create stage impact.
- Q&A session and semi-private.
Current online discount price per person
- Both days for $100 ($110 after 1/31)
- One day only for $60 ($70 after 1/31)
HURRY! Online discount ends January 31.
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