SCTC Family,
Happy New Year!!! Let’s start the year by sharing how we will delight you in 2023!!!
Your feedback has helped us prioritize what is most important to you. From longer milongas to open air dancing, we are certain you will love all that’s new in 2023…
✨Dream vacation destination blocks from the beach
✨SCTC will offer 3 nights of milongas that go until 3:00 am
✨Maestros of Maestros teaching and performing
✨ 2 dance floors sharing the same music & balcony seating for max viewing
✨More seating available than ever before
✨A free afternoon milonga in Santa Monica Promenade
✨Renown Djs from Europe including one special night of Vinyl music
✨Streamlined competition schedules that will not interfere with milonga hours
✨Ample public parking in adjacent parking structure at affordable rates
✨Community milongas supporting with additional dance opportunities
✨Pre & Post Party Milongas brought to you by community organizers
✨Exciting competition category: Pro/Am tango de pista
✨Taxi dancing available
✨Santa Monica iconic food trucks available for lunch and dinner at our venue
Registration closes February 24th!!! With limited capacity make sure not to miss out. Secure your spot on the dance floor and make plans for the premier tango event of 2023✈️☀️🌴🌇💃🏻
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